Navigating the Ever-Changing Seas of Customer Analytics: Unleashing the Potential of Low-Level Tools for Sales and Marketing

Catherine Azam
3 min readApr 23, 2024


In the high-stakes world of sales and marketing, staying ahead of the curve is not just a strategy — it’s a necessity. Imagine the landscape as a vast, churning ocean of data, where trends rise and fall with breathtaking speed. In this dynamic environment, relying solely on off-the-shelf AI solutions is akin to setting sail without a compass — it may offer temporary relief, but the risk of being lost amidst the waves of change looms large.

Herein lies the key: mastering low-level tools, those sturdy anchors that tether us to the bedrock of data engineering, is not just advantageous, but imperative for sustained success. Amidst the ephemeral existence of AI companies that rise and vanish with the tides, wielding these fundamental tools becomes our beacon of stability.
Consider the seasoned sailor, navigating treacherous waters. While flashy, pre-packaged AI solutions may promise smooth sailing, it is the mastery of core principles and the ability to adapt to changing conditions that ensures safe passage.
In our data-driven journey, Python and Pandas emerge as our guiding stars — versatile instruments that illuminate the path forward. With Python as our compass, we chart our course, unencumbered by the constraints of proprietary GUI tools, free to tailor our solutions to the unique needs of each client.
But the journey doesn’t end there. As the seasoned sailor navigates the seas of customer analytics, they harness the power of retrieval augmented generation (RAG) — a cutting-edge technique that combines data retrieval and generation to unlock deeper insights and drive actionable strategies. With RAG, sales and marketing professionals can tap into the wealth of customer data stored across various sources, generating personalized content and recommendations with unparalleled precision.

There are currently dozens of tools available to make this task easier. Choosing the right one is not too different from gambling. Nobody can tell you if this or that particular framework will still be maintained 3 months from now. Understanding the fundamentals of RAG and structuring your code base in a way so that tools, AI models, Data connectors, vector database, etc. can easily be swapped out and compared, gives you a great advantage over everyone else who is in currently participating in this mad AI race.

Moreover, proficiency in crafting bespoke data pipelines using Python empowers us to traverse uncharted territories with confidence. Rather than being beholden to the caprices of proprietary GUI tools, we chart our own course, unencumbered by the constraints of vendor lock-in.

Picture this: as a sales or marketing professional, armed with the power of low-level tools and RAG, you gain unprecedented insight into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. With this knowledge at your fingertips, you can craft hyper-targeted campaigns, personalize customer interactions, and optimize strategies for maximum impact.

Example of a custom built chatbot that tracks and compares the output from various LLM’s and applies zero-shot classification to categorize your customers enquiries in a way that is useful to you and your business

And let’s not forget the versatility of these tools. The seasoned sailor can seamlessly plug in any database of their choice, integrating with custom legacy data systems and adapting to the ever-evolving needs of the organization. Whether it’s MySQL, PostgreSQL, or a proprietary legacy database, Python and Pandas stand ready to conquer the data landscape with unwavering resolve.

In conclusion, the voyage towards mastery in customer analytics begins with a humble acknowledgment of the power of low-level tools and retrieval augmented generation. Just as a skilled mariner relies on a sturdy ship and a keen understanding of the elements, so too must sales and marketing professionals arm themselves with the foundational knowledge and adaptability afforded by fundamental tools, curiosity and a can-do attitude towards new challenges. In the tempest of AI innovation, it is these steadfast anchors that will steer us towards the shores of lasting success in sales and marketing.



Catherine Azam

Google Cloud Certifed Data Engineer Professional, AI Architect and Data Plumber.